Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sophia's Measurements

Went to the GGD this morning and got the latest stats on Sophie...

Sophia's Measurements
Originally uploaded by jessegordonlong.
Height: 26.8 IN (68.3 CM)

Weight: 18.066 LBS (8.195 KG)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Some Recent Shots...

See below for some recent shots of the family including a nice little Mother's Day at the park.


Thursday, May 01, 2008

SBL IV and Queen's Day

The latest in the never ending saga that will be Sophie's life on video. Not a lot going on here in Amsterdam. Recently back from Puerto Rico where I had the pleasure of hanging out with Ben and his buddies for a few days.

Queen's Day was yesterday but due to weather it was a bit less eventful than year's past. Our friends Kristin and Nicole are over visiting from Portland and we were able to show them a good time despite the cold.

Hope everyone is well. Enjoy the video and CLICK HERE to see some recent photos.