Friday, October 26, 2007

What's a Grandma? Fudge. More Photos...

According to Wikipedia, Grandparents are family members, the father or mother of a person's own father or mother, being respectively grandfather and grandmother. Grandparents form an important element of the extended family.

In traditional East Asian cultures influenced by Confucianism, filial piety is one of the highest moral values. Grandparents usually exercise their authority on family matters, and their descendants should obey their seniors. This kind of structure has eased with the increasing influence of western culture and the increasing number of nuclear families.

We found this interesting but more interesting is the differences in what Sophie's four grandmothers want to be called. So far we are three for four...

Jan wants to be called Mimi. This is a southern term for Grandma.

Deb wants to be called TaTa. This is short for the Spanish term for Grandma, Abuelita.

Nikky likes Oma. This is the Dutch term for Grandma.

Glenda wants to be called Grammy. This means Grammy in many languages.

In other new, I gave Fudge a bath and filmed it...

Lastly, some more shots of the pretty lady can be found by CLICKING HERE.

Sophie's Snow Outfit

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

Kindra and Sophia Come Home

Well, we are all finally home.

It was a miraculous ordeal. A true miracle. One with which we could bore you with details of life, pain, sleeplessness, industrial espionage, lack of ice water, etc.

However, we'd rather bore you with more pictures of Sophia because she's just so dang cute.

Click HERE.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Sophia Blake Long

Sophia Blake Long was born October 1st, 2007 at 8:45am and weighed 3.228 KG (8.08 LBS).

See more shots: HERE