For the holidays we went to Mazatlan to be with Jim, Deb, Ben, Kelly, Kate, Matt and a smattering of aunts and uncles. We flew through LA which gave us some time to hang out with our good friends Chris, Jean and Maddie Raih.
Maddie and Sophie are about the same age so it was great to get to see them hang out.
The time in Mazatlan was great and the weather was perfect. I'd share a video but YouTube (and James Taylor) have taken issue with my soundtrack choice leaving us with a muted holiday video. I'm looking at some other sites and will post it if I find a way around the empire of the Google.

We traveled back to Amsterdam in January which turned out to be a good month as I got promoted and Kindra safely celebrated her 39th birthday.
If much else happened in January I don't really remember it.
In February I turned 27 and made everyone celebrate for two weeks.
Partially because I do this every year and partially because I thought I had to leave for work the week before my birthday. When my travel pushed a week I was able to keep on celebrating myself and endeavor to make everyone else keep celebrating me as well.
The day after my birthday I flew to South Africa for the first Honda TV shoot since WK won the business back in November. I hadn't been to South Africa and it was an amazing country. People say it's dangerous but I must have been in the right spots.
South Africans are massively into biltong which is jerked meat made from all kinds of different animals. I was a big fan of this.
I also got a bit of free time to check out the local vineyards, beaches and mountains. All were fantastic and I'd recommend visiting Cape Town to anyone that can make it down there.
This picture was taken on the top of Table Mountain which is in the center of the city of Cape Town. We climbed it one morning and even though we started at 7.40am we should have started earlier as it was about 90 degrees when we go to the top two hours later.
I don't know if you can see how sweaty I am in this picture. Although I was tired, it's rare that I'm too tired to act like an idiot.
Aside from helping Pierce Brosnan move a table (randomly at our hotel), I also got a chance to ride in my first helicopter which was amazing.
It's now nearing the end of Feb and we're all in Amsterdam with no travel plans until April but we'll see.
Hope this finds everyone well and if you'd like to see some shots from Mexico, South Africa and Amsterdam then JUST CLICK HERE.
To end on a fun note, here's a picture of Sophie going crazy in a silly hat...