We had Sophie's one month check up with the GGD on November 1st. The GGD is a government agency that monitors the growth of all babies in the Netherlands and makes sure that they are growing at a good pace and getting their vaccinations, etc. The first visit is just weight and height. No needles till next time when I'm sure Sophie won't have as much of a good time.
The vital stats from this visit were as follows...
Weight: 4.33 Kg or 9.5 Lbs
Height: 56 cm or 22 inOutside of that the visits have begun. Starting with Jan who came for a couple weeks shortly after Sophie was born. We weren't the liveliest bunch but it was great having Jan here. She helped a ton with keeping us in more food than we could eat...

In other news we've had three visitors in the last week and a half. My mom Glenda and her friend Kate were here for about a week before heading back to California. They got some good Sophie time in and managed to take in a few tours as well.
The day after they left Sophie's aunt Kate arrived. She said she didn't want to put Sophie down while she was here and we are doing our best to hold her to it.
More shots from the past few weeks can be seen by