Barcelona is an amazing city. In addition to having a ton of great things to see and do there are fantastic beaches 5 minutes from the middle of town. Over the week we were able to get a couple of days to tool around the city. One at the beginning of the trip when the director we were working with got food poisoning and one at the end before we left. I ended up touring the Sagrada Familia which is also know as the Goudi or Bacelona Cathedral. It’s pretty amazing as it has been under construction since 1880 and still continues… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagrada_Familia

After Barcelona and Italy we had a visit from Scott and Megan (friends from college). They were here for a weekend and are returning for a couple of more nights after a two weeks in France.
Another very exciting aspect of life over here has been the World Cup. It was really great to be in Europe for this. Everywhere people are going Bananas for their country. Kindra, Megan, Scott and I watched Holland lose to Portugal in a local Dutchy bar. They were going crazy during the game and after Holland lost they were miserable.

Ben was over here for a little over a week. The first part of his trip he was traveling all over Germany with a couple of his friends, Mike and Chris. After a couple World Cup games, including Italy vs. Germany, they came over to Amsterdam for a couple of days. We had a great time cruising around Amsterdam and were able to get a game of golf in on Ben’s last day here. Great trip.

Well, that’s the short as sweet version. Check out the pics if you get a chance and we hope to see you all soon.